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The best hand pre/flop to beat aces
Hello.I was reading a book on poker strategy and there was a list of best hands to crack aces pre flop so i will list them here and see what you all go for ,I will put the answer down later on.
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So 45s through to J10s are the best
But if your getting odds pre or sat deep enough any suited connector, but my choice would prefereably be a PP. Suited connecter boards are more visible to the A when making, but not the underset, much easier to get payed IMO than a wet board the connectors hit (also paint combo vs paint boards).
Where as when you have 78s, you can get trips of 7s or 8s, 2 pair, a straight, or a flush, so the percentage chance of that cracking AA is better than 22.
Hand 0: 81.191% 80.97% 00.22% 299490480 798894.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 18.809% 18.59% 00.22% 68769396 798894.00 { 77-22 }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 80.690% 80.51% 00.18% 148887792 332118.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 19.310% 19.13% 00.18% 35376804 332118.00 { TT-88 }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 79.887% 77.16% 02.72% 150625572 5315358.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 20.113% 17.39% 02.72% 33946368 5315358.00 { JJ+ }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 86.074% 85.87% 00.21% 141152028 337086.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 13.926% 13.72% 00.21% 22554984 337086.00 { KQs, KQo }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 85.645% 85.45% 00.20% 140457480 326112.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 14.355% 14.16% 00.20% 23271480 326112.00 { KJs, KJo }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 86.676% 86.48% 00.20% 1563640248 3626526.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 13.324% 13.12% 00.20% 237299724 3626526.00 { K2s+, K2o+ }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 87.579% 86.96% 00.62% 214409976 1535772.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 12.421% 11.80% 00.62% 29090256 1535772.00 { A2s+ }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 85.831% 85.64% 00.19% 1407700416 3200910.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 14.169% 13.97% 00.19% 229709604 3200910.00 { Q2s+, Q2o+ }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 80.381% 80.21% 00.17% 131848512 282258.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 19.619% 19.45% 00.17% 31968156 282258.00 { 76s, 76o }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 77.796% 77.61% 00.18% 31896036 74358.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 22.204% 22.02% 00.18% 9050544 74358.00 { T9s }