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Table Selection When Multi-tabling
There are REGS at NL4 just a very small percentage compared to the overall field so most the time you will only have 1 max 2 on ya table, for me when I played it if I ever had 3 or more REGS at a table I'd insta stand as there is just SO much choice down there espeically after 7pm - like 20-30 tables lol.
NL4 is all about maximising profit so you always want 5 AWFUL players sitting with you as that's where you get money, most 'good' REGS won't pay off with TPWK on 3 streets but FISH will.
It's defo a shock at NL10 where I often have at least 3 REGS sometimes on a table and since there's less tables running you have to just pray you get a good seat on the left of a FISH and just set up camp.
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BTW how are ya doin overall compared to nl4 ??
Gl at the tables and hope a few MORE fish may play nl10 on fri/sat nite after the pub
At NL4 it's very different in that if you table select properly you should maybe face only 2/3 REGS over 3 tables but at NL10 that is very hard to achieve and hence table selection becomes even MORE important.
In terms of how I'm doing, I'm going along quite well and hopefully looking to start playing NL20 some time next month if things go well.
All hands I raise with are the same at NL4, might raise with J10s on the btn at NL10 unopened but NL4 I'd fold, also unopened I a raise up with QJ around CO, UTG+1.
So only difference like I said earlier is just lower percentage of awful players.
You get 2 points per 20 raked hands (1p min) at 4NL, 8NL and 10NL
I'd guess you're probably getting about 100 hands/hour on a 6max table. And say 80 of them will have a minimum of 1p rake (you think 80% is about right?)
So say you're playing 4 tables, 400 hands per hour, so 320 raked hands so 16 points per hour (god that sounds pathetic)
If you play 20 days of the month, each for 4 hours, that would be 1280 points (£15 cash for points, how depressing...)
Do these workings sound about right to you?
Do you pay any attention to the league points? Is there anything in that in terms of prizes apart from the top 10 people from MTT,STT and cash get a chance to be in TSP? You ever managed to get in that tourney to be in TSP?
I guess whatever level you play it's always gonna be sod all in a way because in relation to the amount a winning player can get from the tables at whatever level he plays, it's nothing.
Oh well, looks like I'll have to earn it myself.
2) Take them to Value Tarn
3) Get Rich