Definatly in please Mr Chucklers Senior & Junior :-) " For the Month of September, I will be changing the Scoring Format to best 2 scores from 3 for the Weekly as i think New Players find it difficult to play 3 tables at once so this will give them a chance to take part & I also think this would help us to get more newbies to play on a Monday Night so i will be doing it as a Trial run for Sept." 3 tables is a bit hard to think of at once - i'm sure this will help a bit until such as myself become used to mad multi tables you proffesional blaggers play! :-)) +1 from me Posted by Quietly1
Hi Po
Thank you when i started playing poker i played 1 table then moved upto 2x tables took about 3-5 weeks b4 i tried 3xTables & then it was loads of practice to get used to it
16. Quietly1 ( Official TKP Railer ) Posted by DTWBANDIT
Wow! Scary Job Title :-)
Thank you :-)
i shall try to live up to your estimations and buy some orange clothes ASAP! where they **** will i find orange shoes in a size 3? - normal shoes are hard enough to find.
I prefer new structure _ I,m in Just tried to join the facebook page but it sys group closed Posted by MP33
Hi MP33 am still getting used to FB so could you either pm me your name and i'll add you or seach FB using - Forum DTD & you should be able to ask to join also The best 2 of 3 Scoring Format starts in Sept (next week)
Monthly Leaderboard will be up on Monday
Hi Po
Thank you when i started playing poker i played 1 table then moved upto 2x tables took about 3-5 weeks b4 i tried 3xTables & then it was loads of practice to get used to it
GL Graham
1. Dtwbandit (TKP)
2. Acidman27 (TNP Capt)
3. Made4game (TKP)
4. J-hartigan (Team Bounty)
5. Glenelg (Team51)
6. Lisar83 (THS)
7. Luvbwfc (THS)
8. Kiwini4u (TPT)
9. Hitman rv (THS Capt)
10. Debdobs 67 (Team51)
11. Elsadog (Team51 Capt Run Good)
12. Codex (TPT)
13. Mkgunner
14. 67bhouys (TPT)
15. Drumahai05 (Team51)
16. Quietly1 (Official TKP Railer)
17. Eyeman (TKP)
I'm in two scores is fine for me - lol - and there's me just completed my training on 3 tables
GL Ste, Ruth & Martin
Also Very Best of Luck to Deja Vu (Ruth) in Saturdays £22 Super Bounty Hunter tid
1. Dtwbandit (TKP)
2. Acidman27 (TNP Capt)
3. Made4game (TKP)
4. J-hartigan (Team Bounty)
5. Glenelg (Team51)
6. Lisar83 (THS)
7. Luvbwfc (THS)
8. Kiwini4u (TPT)
9. Hitman rv (THS Capt)
10. Debdobs 67 (Team51)
11. Elsadog (Team51 Capt Run Good)
12. Codex (TPT)
13. Mkgunner
14. 67bhouys (TPT)
15. Drumahai05 (Team51)
16. Quietly1 (Official TKP Railer)
17. Eyeman (TKP)
18. Ste1722 (Team51)
19. Deja vu (TPT)
20. Jjjach (TPT)
GL Kenny. Mike & Martin
1. Dtwbandit (TKP)
2. Acidman27 (TNP Capt)
3. Made4game (TKP)
4. J-hartigan (Team Bounty)
5. Glenelg (Team51)
6. Lisar83 (THS)
7. Luvbwfc (THS)
8. Kiwini4u (TPT)
9. Hitman rv (THS Capt)
10. Debdobs 67 (Team51)
11. Elsadog (Team51 Capt Run Good)
12. Codex (TPT)
13. Mkgunner
14. 67bhouys (TPT)
15. Drumahai05 (Team51)
16. Quietly1 (Official TKP Railer)
17. Eyeman (TKP)
18. Ste1722 (Team51)
19. Deja vu (TPT)
20. Jjjach (TPT)
21. Kennybad (THS)
22. Torryboy (TPT)
23. Spornybol (TPT)
GL Paul & Michael
1. Dtwbandit (TKP)
2. Acidman27 (TNP Capt)
3. Made4game (TKP)
4. J-hartigan (Team Bounty)
5. Glenelg (Team51)
6. Lisar83 (THS)
7. Luvbwfc (THS)
8. Kiwini4u (TPT)
9. Hitman rv (THS Capt)
10. Debdobs 67 (Team51)
11. Elsadog (Team51 Capt Run Good)
12. Codex (TPT)
13. Mkgunner
14. 67bhouys (TPT)
15. Drumahai05 (Team51)
16. Quietly1 (Official TKP Railer)
17. Eyeman (TKP)
18. Ste1722 (Team51)
19. Deja vu (TPT)
20. Jjjach (TPT)
21. Kennybad (THS)
22. Torryboy (TPT)
23. Spornybol (TPT)
24. Solack
25. Unbpower (TPT)
GL Chris
1. Dtwbandit (TKP)
2. Acidman27 (TNP Capt)
3. Made4game (TKP)
4. J-hartigan (Team Bounty)
5. Glenelg (Team51)
6. Lisar83 (THS)
7. Luvbwfc (THS)
8. Kiwini4u (TPT)
9. Hitman rv (THS Capt)
10. Debdobs 67 (Team51)
11. Elsadog (Team51 Capt Run Good)
12. Codex (TPT)
13. Mkgunner
14. 67bhouys (TPT)
15. Drumahai05 (Team51)
16. Quietly1 (Official TKP Railer)
17. Eyeman (TKP)
18. Ste1722 (Team51)
19. Deja vu (TPT)
20. Jjjach (TPT)
21. Kennybad (THS)
22. Torryboy (TPT)
23. Spornybol (TPT)
24. Solack
25. Unbpower (TPT)
26. Scouse_red (TKP)
Wow! Scary Job Title :-)
Thank you :-)
i shall try to live up to your estimations and buy some orange clothes ASAP! where they **** will i find orange shoes in a size 3? - normal shoes are hard enough to find.
-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-GO TKP!
-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-GO CHUCKLE BROS!
as you can see the above i've started on the first railings :-)
Just tried to join the facebook page but it sys group closed
GL Ed & Ryan
1. Dtwbandit (TKP)
2. Acidman27 (TNP Capt)
3. Made4game (TKP)
4. J-hartigan (Team Bounty)
5. Glenelg (Team51)
6. Lisar83 (THS)
7. Luvbwfc (THS)
8. Kiwini4u (TPT)
9. Hitman rv (THS Capt)
10. Debdobs 67 (Team51)
11. Elsadog (Team51 Capt Run Good)
12. Codex (TPT)
13. Mkgunner
14. 67bhouys (TPT)
15. Drumahai05 (Team51)
16. Quietly1 (Official TKP Railer)
17. Eyeman (TKP)
18. Ste1722 (Team51)
19. Deja vu (TPT)
20. Jjjach (TPT)
21. Kennybad (THS)
22. Torryboy (TPT)
23. Spornybol (TPT)
24. Solack
25. Unbpower (TPT)
26. Scouse_red (TKP)
27. Wwfcblue (THS)
28. Waller02 (TPT)
GL Mp & Red
1. Dtwbandit (TKP)
2. Acidman27 (TNP Capt)
3. Made4game (TKP)
4. J-hartigan (Team Bounty)
5. Glenelg (Team51)
6. Lisar83 (THS)
7. Luvbwfc (THS)
8. Kiwini4u (TPT)
9. Hitman rv (THS Capt)
10. Debdobs 67 (Team51)
11. Elsadog (Team51 Capt Run Good)
12. Codex (TPT)
13. Mkgunner
14. 67bhouys (TPT)
15. Drumahai05 (Team51)
16. Quietly1 (Official TKP Railer)
17. Eyeman (TKP)
18. Ste1722 (Team51)
19. Deja vu (TPT)
20. Jjjach (TPT)
21. Kennybad (THS)
22. Torryboy (TPT)
23. Spornybol (TPT)
24. Solack
25. Unbpower (TPT)
26. Scouse_red (TKP)
27. Wwfcblue (THS)
28. Waller02 (TPT)
29. MP33
30. Red King (TPT)
GL Dude
1. Dtwbandit (TKP)
2. Acidman27 (TNP Capt)
3. Made4game (TKP)
4. J-hartigan (Team Bounty)
5. Glenelg (Team51)
6. Lisar83 (THS)
7. Luvbwfc (THS)
8. Kiwini4u (TPT)
9. Hitman rv (THS Capt)
10. Debdobs 67 (Team51)
11. Elsadog (Team51 Capt Run Good)
12. Codex (TPT)
13. Mkgunner
14. 67bhouys (TPT)
15. Drumahai05 (Team51)
16. Quietly1 (Official TKP Railer)
17. Eyeman (TKP)
18. Ste1722 (Team51)
19. Deja vu (TPT)
20. Jjjach (TPT)
21. Kennybad (THS)
22. Torryboy (TPT)
23. Spornybol (TPT)
24. Solack
25. Unbpower (TPT)
26. Scouse_red (TKP)
27. Wwfcblue (THS)
28. Waller02 (TPT)
29. MP33
30. Red King (TPT)
31. Dudeskin8 (TPT)
Count me in please.
GL Nick
1. Dtwbandit (TKP)
2. Acidman27 (TNP Capt)
3. Made4game (TKP)
4. J-hartigan (Team Bounty)
5. Glenelg (Team51)
6. Lisar83 (THS)
7. Luvbwfc (THS)
8. Kiwini4u (TPT)
9. Hitman rv (THS Capt)
10. Debdobs 67 (Team51)
11. Elsadog (Team51 Capt Run Good)
12. Codex (TPT)
13. Mkgunner
14. 67bhouys (TPT)
15. Drumahai05 (Team51)
16. Quietly1 (Official TKP Railer)
17. Eyeman (TKP)
18. Ste1722 (Team51)
19. Deja vu (TPT)
20. Jjjach (TPT)
21. Kennybad (THS)
22. Torryboy (TPT)
23. Spornybol (TPT)
24. Solack
25. Unbpower (TPT)
26. Scouse_red (TKP)
27. Wwfcblue (THS)
28. Waller02 (TPT)
29. MP33
30. Red King (TPT)
31. Dudeskin8 (TPT)
32. Timeforbed