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anything wrong or just running bad?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceJINTYSmall blind £0.04£0.04£12.91swordsmanBig blind £0.08£0.12£3.75 Your hole cardsKK bolly580Raise £0.32£0.44£12.29wasky-180Fold NColleyFold JINTYCall £0.28£0.72£12.63swordsmanFold Flop 873 JINTYBet £0.32£1.04£12.31bolly580Raise £1.04£2.08£11.25JINTYCall £0.72£2.80£11.59Turn 7 JINTYCheck bolly580Bet £1.40£4.20£9.85JINTYAll-in £11.59£15.79£0.00bolly580All-in £9.85£25.64£0.00JINTYUnmatched bet £0.34£25.30£0.34JINTYShow7A bolly580ShowKK River 3 JINTYWinFull House, 7s and 3s£23.90 £24.24
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turn - hard to fold but is he really doing this with an eight or over pair
screams monster or nothing
50% sigh fold 50% call
If my notes say he c/r shoves with at least set then /> fold
i don't blame you for calling though
In your betting you have told him you have a big hand i think the player calls on the flop to see if your going to shut down the betting with an AK or summit. think it's one of them i do find it amusing the guys on here saying i think i would fold lol keep folding KK on a 8737 board heads up and see how well you get on. your beeting A8 , 99 , 1010 , JJ , QQ , A3 , 10,9 all small pocket pairs. there not many hands your scared of. If i was playing against say a tight skilled player maybe i fold but only if i can see into his soul not online never.
If our betting tells him we have a big hand and he still crai on turn why are you loling at folding turn?
Its not a massive range that beats you, but the action tells you theres a good chance you are beat. Maybe you can call, but its far from a fistpump
Recently i heard some guy say "Poker is a never ending game"
Essentially you can fold and find better spots
to be honest lads it was a crying call and i knew i was beat, something ive been working into my game recently folding hands like this.
a few hands like this have taught me a lesson and improved my game, i dont really mind the flop bet, in heinseight yh you can say make it bigger to get out players because ive lost but after all i have bet the pot and i do want value outa this.
At this point he probably puts me on something like AK AQ and thinks im just c betting. therefore if turn comes a blank a 3 example he still thinks he in lead and he probably pays me another street of betting on turn.
when he shoves its a very tough fold.
Good advice tho lads cheers