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I'm trying to improve my game at the moment and was wondering about any thoughts on the following. I've been playing a lot of microstakes cash tables lately, and notice that I see of min. raising, followed by a lot of calling (effectively limping?). I know this is not considered sound strategy and I think I understand some of the reasons why (too many players in the pot making your top hands vulnerable, not being able to gauge your opponents' range, appearing weak, etc.). I also find I regularly run into slow-played monsters at these tables and get killed when I play hands like top-pair-ace-kicker strongly, getting called down (but not raised) by someone with an apparent draw, only to find that the guy had hit a set, flush or straight on the flop. But this is a different issue I guess. However, my question is... on tables where this is min. raising is happening a lot, what tactics could I employ to best exploit this poor play? For example, should I be 3-betting these players with a wider range to exploit (apparent) weakness? Or should I limp in a lot with good drawing hands? Or should I play only premium hands? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.Both IMO. If you can see a flop multi way for relatively cheap with suited connectors then thats always going to be a good thing in cash (as long as you feel like you'll get paid when making a hand - which you will at micro stakes).
Posted by Pysterman
I've been playing a lot of microstakes cash tables lately, and notice that I see of min. raising, followed by a lot of calling (effectively limping?). I know this is not considered sound strategy and I think I understand some of the reasons why (too many players in the pot making your top hands vulnerable, not being able to gauge your opponents' range, appearing weak, etc.).
I also find I regularly run into slow-played monsters at these tables and get killed when I play hands like top-pair-ace-kicker strongly, getting called down (but not raised) by someone with an apparent draw, only to find that the guy had hit a set, flush or straight on the flop. But this is a different issue I guess.
However, my question is... on tables where this is min. raising is happening a lot, what tactics could I employ to best exploit this poor play?
For example, should I be raising these players with a wider range to exploit (apparent) weakness?
Or should I limp in a lot with good drawing hands?
Or should I play only premium hands?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
1 / Position
2 / The quality of your opponents with regards to the range of their starting hand selection, their positional awareness and their aggression factor. For instance the frequency of their c-betting and bet sizing. Do they understand and practice super system ? etc
You may have seen a guy called Dohhhh posting on here a lot. He provided a guide to playing low stakes and am sure he will be kind enough to give you the link. I read it and found it to be a good comprehensive guide to micro cash that would pretty much provide profitable play, over time , at those levels given correct br management.
Only time I would ever really min raise is in a tournament play in LP when blinds are very significant. But even then am likely to 2.2 it.
I really dont know what people are trying to achieve with the constand click backs pre.
In Response to Re: Strategy Advice - Min. Raising : Yeah i understand what ya sayin but im talking in general at this level min raising aint gonna be a moneyspinner
Posted by debdobs_67
In fairness i imagine that if it has a sound theoretical basis then it can be. I can think of a few positives about this style. I was just wondering if there are any articles advocating and justifying it ? Was kinda hoping there was out of interest.
This is not limit hold em, no need to keep clicking back.
If someone keeps min raising then more fool them just limp along with cards that play well together and then the whole table will have a go at cracking that big pr )
Min raising only encourages more players into the pot when you could raise the same amount as the whole table calling a min raise and still get action.
If you got a big hand you raise for value and also to get all chips in the middle as quick as possible or by the river.
Pre flop you know your in good shape, if 5 players see a flop, you have no idea if your good so playing this way gives you headaches. You have to be really good at post flop play to min raise UTG with AA, and also you got to be able to lay down you aces when there cracked.
I don't think players at NL4 in general are not good enough to fold in these spot
I have seen good players use minraise as standard btn open before at 50NL elsewhere, its difficult to play against and certainly has advantages. Before everyone jumps on me I AM NOT ADVOCATING using it at 4NL or similar here
Posted by BLACK_MASS
An argument could be made for giving yourself the betting lead, inflating pot with a hand like 8h9h and opening the door to get 3bet by one of the limpers. But at this level its utterly pointless.
I had put up a number of threads asking as to why people habitually click it back at this level. Is it part of a grander scheme? (Not being a huge online player) is it standard these days? Poker trends are cicular and fashionlike, is this the new thing?
Common consensus was that its just people not knowing how to play their hands, which I agree with.
Why give yourself the betting lead when so many people are happy to go broke with 3rd pair? Why inflate the pot by 1BB with 8h9h when you'll get paid regardless? Why nflate when so few bluffs get through? Why min to get 3 bet when you'll get called at 10x so often?
As said, minning in multiway hands pre is the dumbest spot in poker, end of.
Posted by AMYBR
Was primarily interested in this owing to the way that it may influence the table dynamic into one that may become exploitable.
Am slightly disappointed that this is doctrine but saves me any further wasteful thought so thanx for that.
I was fishing for some tips on how to optimally play at a table with lots of min raising and limping going on. (Thanks AMYBR.)
If someone is constantly min raising then you just raise your big hands and add on 15p. Don't even worry about them min raising because they have no idea why there doing it.
If I find someone on my table is min raising constantly then I just keep 3 betting them IP until they stop )
If they don't stop then I just keep on taking there money.
If you 3/bet and they 4/bet, then you fold.
If they flat your 3/bet and then check flop, well thats a white flag )
I would say 95% of the time the min raise/min bet means nothing at NL4. The only time it
does matter is when they have the nutz.
Depends how good you think you are playing the streets