Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Decent idea, could be fun, but could also be a bit manic. I would usually play my normal game in a bounty hunter and if I get some heads, I get some heads, if not, then I don't. I don't know if this would encourage some people to play even more laggy than they normally do in a bounty hunter. Bit of fun though.
Would that only count MEs and minis then? I'm just thinking, if you have it over MEs, it's a bit more exclusive (not saying that as a good point) because alot of people can't afford to pay £33 4 weeks in a row for the 12k BH
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So maybe (I don't know when small BHs run) but maybe you could say, the 7pm and 9pm £2.20 BH, tuesday and wednesday (won't interfere with DTD or make people 5-table) so that's still 4 tourneys a week, so 16 over the month, so it doesn't cost a fortune but it gives enough of a time period to sort the sharks from the fish