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Sigh fold from Mastercash
Villian is very good aggressive reg on site and forum. I did leaky pot control which led to a fold on the river. What would you change throughout the hand?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerentisdue Small blind £0.50 £0.50 £98.50 x Big blind £1.00 £1.50 £402.47 Your hole cards K Q ezryder Fold TommyD Raise £3.00 £4.50 £549.33 tanj Fold rentisdue Fold x Raise £11.00 £15.50 £391.47 TommyD Call £9.00 £24.50 £540.33 Flop K 7 Q x Bet £15.00 £39.50 £376.47 TommyD Call £15.00 £54.50 £525.33 Turn 5 x Bet £41.00 £95.50 £335.47 TommyD Call £41.00 £136.50 £484.33 River J x Bet £162.00 £298.50 £173.47 TommyD Fold x Muck x Win £134.70 £308.17 x Return £162.00
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As played I'd call.
hand plays out totally different though that way, i have no idea who it is also so pretty readless from my part.
Also i dont see how you can fold when you have called all the way down, really under repping your hand although there are alot of hands that are beating you here so tough call. As played i prob sigh call on end
Quickly to answer a few of the questions posed:
I don't like always calling purely on the basis that I have under represented my hand. Lol_Raise has 3bet pre OOP so there's something there, unless he just fancies me for air and is just trying to take it down either there or with a C-Bet on most flops. That flop crashes against his 3bet value range. If I raise flop I'm folding out all of his bluffs and only getting value from AK to AJ with A(h). More importantly all sets 3bet the flop as does A(h)K and possibly A(h)Q. I judged it more profitable to call him down with a non heart turn and river.
So why did I go against the plan on the river? Frankly I judged his decent size river bet as a value bet and just couldn't find anything I was beating. I didn't even think KJ was in there. I actually put Lol_Raise on a set trying to get 3 streets of value. Obviously I was wrong.
cant see how you can fold river after playing hand that passively
The fact you never raised in the hand and called down passive, told him he was best on river surely ?
Is this a pure value bet or is this a bluff on the end
I wonder what range he put you on Tommy - AhQx
You still may get pushed off or not on the turn, but at least it gives you the lead in the hand IP if he flats
would he ever flat there though
btw have not seen any of it yet, any on you tube with hold cards ?
gotta be a call on end, yas both had same thing but he played it exactly how you should have done