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I know played this terribly. Should have raised more pre and then I don't really know what the hell I was doing after the flop. Help please!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceWigachickSmall blind £0.02£0.02£1.28marcpBig blind £0.04£0.06£4.05 Your hole cardsQQ SPIDER_PIGCall £0.04£0.10£4.60thethirdpoRaise £0.20£0.30£12.02WigachickFold marcpFold SPIDER_PIGCall £0.16£0.46£4.44Flop JA10 SPIDER_PIGBet £0.23£0.69£4.21thethirdpoRaise £0.46£1.15£11.56SPIDER_PIGCall £0.23£1.38£3.98Turn 9 SPIDER_PIGBet £0.69£2.07£3.29thethirdpoCall £0.69£2.76£10.87River 2 SPIDER_PIGBet £2.76£5.52£0.53thethirdpoCall £2.76£8.28£8.11SPIDER_PIGShowJK thethirdpoMuckQQ SPIDER_PIGWinFlush to the Ace£7.65 £8.18
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Flop just call bet, raising isn't great as if shoved on you have to call off your stack on draw.
Turn call good and river same.
Overall this is kinda sick, 2nd nuts beaten by nuts, I don't think you can fold turn and river maybe I'm wrong.
Didnt do a lot wrong here if anything, pre raise could have been more ifim being picky. Thinking about it even if u make it 24/28 or even 32p pre thers still a gud chance ur getting a caller at this level.
As you ad the villian are sat deep then cant really shove flop however if you didint have as much id hav defo shoved flop.
Your just really unlucky here, there'sno way ur ever folding and to be fair you probably lost the minimum lucky not to double him up.
nicely played i guess