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(slight brag post) but bet sizing advice wanted
ok so just joined a table and had no notes on players and i get this hand and flop the world
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance12monkeysSmall blind £0.02£0.02£10.15superjewBig blind £0.04£0.06£2.81 Your hole cards77 cheetoFold robyoungRaise £0.16£0.22£3.84kirstyxxCall £0.16£0.38£4.6112monkeysCall £0.14£0.52£10.01superjewCall £0.12£0.64£2.69Flop 477 12monkeysCheck superjewCheck robyoungCheck kirstyxxCheck Turn A 12monkeysCheck superjewCheck robyoungBet £0.28£0.92£3.56kirstyxxCall £0.28£1.20£4.3312monkeysCall £0.28£1.48£9.73superjewCall £0.28£1.76£2.41River 9 12monkeysCheck superjewCheck robyoungBet £1.32£3.08£2.24kirstyxxAll-in £4.33£7.41£0.0012monkeysFold superjewFold robyoungAll-in £2.24£9.65£0.00kirstyxxUnmatched bet £0.77£8.88£0.77robyoungShow77 kirstyxxShow68 robyoungWinFour 7s£8.21 £8.21
flopping a monster like this i needed my opponants to catch up so i give them the free turn card, but my question is what size bet should i be putting in on the turn here? i felt that i bet this too small but i didnt wanna bet too much to scare them away but at the same time i wanted money in the pot, what would you guys bet?
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turn bet more at least half pot, maybe 3/4
river i just shove as we're get paid by most aces and flushes, at this level anyways i think shove would be good
Tbh i dont mind too much ure turn bet cos ya got nothing really to protect , just gotta keep ya customers
Rivers fine as well
vvnh luckbox