Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
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PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancearty912Small blind £0.02£0.02£1.50mickwillBig blind £0.04£0.06£3.64 Your hole cards99 glowfishCall £0.04£0.10£3.40marcpFold thethirdpoCall £0.04£0.14£9.96FishFeastCall £0.04£0.18£8.88arty912Call £0.02£0.20£1.48mickwillCheck Flop 9810 arty912Check mickwillCheck glowfishCheck thethirdpoBet £0.40£0.60£9.56FishFeastFold arty912Fold mickwillFold glowfishCall £0.40£1.00£3.00Turn 7 glowfishCheck thethirdpoCheck River J glowfishAll-in £3.00£4.00£0.00thethirdpoFold glowfishMuck glowfishWin £0.92 £0.92glowfishReturn £3.00£0.08£3.92
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Flop good over bet.
Turn I don't mind check behind, can't see what calls you that you beat.
River snap fold.