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Any advice on how to play in closing stages of tournys?
I seem to regularly crash out just before the bubble or when I make it cannot seem to sustain it to get a better win. I have tried playing ultra tight but find I can get bullied into making an all in call and lose. Have tried getting aggressive and getting called on all ins and still missing out.
Just wondering if any of you wonderful people have any tips to help me improve?
Many thanks everyone...:-)
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Around the bubble is usually when alot of people tighten up to make sure they cash. If you've got 10-15BBs (or less) then I'd suggest shoving in late positions (the button or the cutoff) with virtually any 2 if no-one has come into the pot yet. I don't know if you're already aware of this but I'll say it anyway... with any stack up to about 20BBS, do NOT limp (although I don't suggest this ever really) and do NOT raise with the intention of folding to a re-raise or folding the flop. Essentially it's shove or fold.
always have a plan if someone shoves on you would you call, if less then 15 bb i would not raise with the intention of folding
look for good spots to nick blinds if people are weak on the blinds or just waiting to ladder/cash put them under pressure some people even fold less then 5 bb so make a note aswell
My main advice would be not to call or limp re-raise or fold
And as pod says pick your opponents. Who will raise then fold to a 3bet ? Who is a calling station? Who has a bigstack and gets involved in every pot?
Avoid throwing chips away by calling or minraising OOP.
Do try and apply pressure around the bubble.
Dont panic if your stack goes under 10BBs, wait for the better spot. Many a tournament has been won from 3 or 4 big blinds.
Good luck on the tables everyone (except when you're against me lol :-)