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First Deepstack of the night of the DTD. £2.20 at 7.15
I would like opinions on how other people would play a hand like this?
Not seen much of x's showdown hands, hes played the hands strong he has been involved in.
Ill just post up in sections so you dont see the outcome of the hand.
Firstly is my raise pre big enough? And is my flop bet ok?
What should i do after he min-raises me? What range would you put him on?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSlykllistSmall blind 20.0020.006071.25MRBURNS4Big blind 40.0060.004978.75 Your hole cards1010 xRaise 80.00140.005100.00HYPETINGRaise 215.00355.005775.00sweetyladyFold Giant811Fold SlykllistFold MRBURNS4Fold xCall 135.00490.004965.00Flop 310Q xCheck HYPETINGBet 335.00825.005440.00xRaise 670.001495.004295.00HYPETING
0 ·
I dont flat as he can have KJ, i'd re-raise 1200ish
as played i'd prob min raise turn he doesn't look like he's folding , reckon he can stack of with AQ here too depending whether reg or not
flat pre
I prob raise flop, flatting ok too
Flat turn after flatting flop, shove river
i think 3b/fing is fine to a minraise utg given that people minraise/4bet rarely at lower limits and they don't really like folding to 3bets very much, especially this deep. also we have position on the raiser so playing for a bigger pot with the initiative /> playing for a smaller pot imo.
i would 3bet bigger given stack sizes though.