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Couple of hands later, was this played badly or again unlucky?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedevonfish5Small blind £0.02£0.02£5.79shazbagBig blind £0.04£0.06£2.00 Your hole cardsKK sillymunchRaise £0.16£0.22£1.32tally8Fold coco3461Fold pokerdad23Raise £0.52£0.74£7.32devonfish5Fold shazbagFold sillymunchAll-in £1.32£2.06£0.00pokerdad23Call £0.96£3.02£6.36sillymunchShowKK pokerdad23ShowKA Flop 9JA Turn 2 River 6 pokerdad23WinPair of Aces£2.79 £9.15
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Don't sit at a table short stacked, if you take a hit and you're down to £2, top up. You'll be glad of it when you get AA and get £4 out of it instead of £2
It's Dohhh's guide to small stakes cash and you'll find it very useful. Trust me, you can change your raise sizes at this level and no-one will even blink an eye. Most premium hands that you're going to play (AK,AQ,AJ) raise to 20-24p + 4p per limper + 4p if you're UTG. If you get QQ/KK/AA just put a massive raise in, I'd say minimum of 36p.
People at this level just look at their own cards, so if they've got Q10 and wanna call, they'll call a 40p bet just the same as they will a 24p bet and it won't even enter their mind that it's not your normal raise size. Honestly.
such a standard hand AK v KK pre