Is it possible i have made a table image for myself on the NL4
for the past 3 hands i have got AQ, AK, and flopped a 2 pair,
i raised up to 16p and nobody called, the 2 pair i had flopped was a low 2 pair but i was forced into the hand as it was my BB,
anyways everybody folded to my raises on the AQ and AK
when i flopped 2 pair, the one player, someone i had beaten previously with a set took a stab at the pot with the min raise, i called and he checked, after i raised he folded....
Do you think this player is giving me too much credit?
i just got an AK again, and the player in position checked the flop, when a 2nd jack appeared on the turn she raised it up, the story didnt add up so i called her bluff and it paid off netting me 60p, but maybe she tried to bluff cus my table image is if ive hit then i will raise?
Whats your oppinions, also should i be moving tables now if this is the case
people at nl4 do not think of image
However the vast majority of them dont avoid us at all and hand us money. I think a number of them see it as, if i can oputdraw you, youll pay me. And thats why they stay.
If he was a good REG then he wouldn't let the fact that you flopped a set earlier affect his decision with 2pr later. If he's ahead of most of your range, then he's ahead of most of your range, doesn't matter if you've beat him in an earlier hand.
I do tend to sometimes play my hands a little differently against people that I know are DEFINITELY regs because I know how they'll think, but that's not really table image, it's more about notes on players for me and I as I say, it's not very often I'll get into a pot with someone I know is a REG unless I've got a really strong (AA/KK/QQ/AKs) in which case I'd never be flatting pre, and if they're good, they won't flat pre with very strong hands and won't call with average hands, so it'll probably end up going in pre and then it's gonna be a cooler for someone or they fold.
to the devate above when i say a super fish i mean those people who just jam all in pre and do nothing else. Its hard to avoid playing with regs when this happens. Av pot gets massive which in turn brings the regs, even if im first there.
One time i had TommyD and Dohhhh joining me on a table. Both are top quality players, Simply done i shared the value, left with a profit as soon as the fish went.