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Royal flush live! (A brag, a beat and variance)
Had one on-line and have seen two others at my table but first time I've seen it live and it was yours truly tongiht. 3rd hand of 1st orbit but got about 20% added to my stack.
JQd and a raise before me. Raise usually means big hand from 90% of players in my live game (tenner re-buy, a fun game, mostly bams as opponents). Usually an ace of some sort. Flop had A10d and something else. Bet into, I called. Bet into, I called again. River's the beautiful Kd. Bet 3/4s and got insta call from A10, goddamnit I should have shoved. Still, nice start, tonight's my night.
Confidence up I played perfect, folding biggish hands, shoving with bluffs that I knew would get through.
Then my set of 9s met a set of Ks. Goddamnit, a set's usually gold dust here. Two pair nearly always is. Top pair usually is. Middle pair often is. How can my set meet a set? Live's fixed.
Then a shorty I shoved A6 into, obviously, AA. Sigh.
Do things with huge odds happen to me often : Yes. I've been dealt AA 3 times running on here, I've been dealt AA twice running at a live final table before.
Do I benefit? Do I f. See royal flush above (I've been stacked 1st hand of a STT by a royaler with 9 high flush before though.) My AAs above got almost no customers. I've won a £200 High roller seat on here and didn't cash although chip leader after an hour. I've predicted Orford's position 3 times and have but a min-cash to my name in the free entries. I think I might have won the SPT final dream team tourney tonight too. ljamesl has pretty much won it for me and I predict right here he'll knock me out on the bubble of the HI-ROLLER if indeed I have won entry to it.
Still, I'm fantastically good looking and intelligent beyond words. I don't suppose one should really complain.
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Am a virgin live RF. Have had 5 online (two in three days - which I told someone a week before was as probable as having a sexual act with a nun
Does it have to be consensual ?
Gents am steaming after an odd end to live MTT today. Since you're both awake (and contemplating blashemous acts), please take the time to look at my thread in the clinic and comment!!!
Relatively speaking you are The Mekon and i am Wayne Rooney.
What did you read to get this good ? Sorry m8