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Technically right play, but am sure it was wrong dynamic wise. Honest thought appreciated.
Played 180 seater Live event today. Had the pleasure of sitting next to a fellow sky forum contributor which was great.
Have had a tricky stack for the last 25 players but pick some spots and get down to last 3.
Blinds are 10k/20k. I've worked my stack up to 240k. LAG is sat on my left with maybe 400k. Spewbox is sat on my right with 250k.
Am in a tricky spot as the LAG wont fold pre. Am not happy raising from the SB to build a pot up to 90k (once he flats an open of 45k/55k) with junk pre to have to c/f to his wide range.
The spew box is making it up from the SB preventing me from any walks. Then refusing to fold any draws. So my hand has to win at showdown vs either opponent, or be won pre.
Have 12 BB's. Find As 4s on the button (3handed). BB is a fool and checks his hole cards before any action and I know he likes his hand. Also, significantly, he doesnt realise how mich I have. I know this from a hand or to ago when I ask for a count and he says "more than you". Which in actuality he doesnt. He has higher denomination but lower in overall stacksize total.I'm always going to ponder. But figure I'm losing so much equity vs having to walk BB 2/3 and winning at showdown vs SB (when BB) that I have to jam the A4 with 12 BB's. Which I have to.
But equally, skillwise I had a huge edge over these two opponents. Knowing there is a reasonable likelyhood that BB calls a jam (with worse KQ KJ all the paint 10's) how do we feel about the jam, as apposed to using the skill edge to at least go for 2nd?
(Bloody tool called with Js9s for his whole stack, like snap call......). - Hitting a J.
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I think you've answered your own question. If you think he's liking his hand why shove with A4? You're not even close to hoping to be better than 70/30 at best? Personally I despise ragged Aces at any stage of anything other than HU and rarely if ever play them. I'd rather shove with almost anything else if I thought I was getting called.
But you're 3 handed and an A is big. Don't think you did much wrong other than ignoring your read. That short stacked you just need to get lucky.
That's my take on it. Probably wrong.
I don't think folding/ rfing is an option seeing as you only have 12bbs and are in the blinds 2/3 hands. You may not get a better hand for a good few more rounds.
I can see why you were frustrated tho. Shame it wasn't deeper.
Anyway i did my best. As i said somewhere else relatively, poker mind-wise, you are The Mekon and i am Wayne Rooney
Have to agree bandini, I shouldnt have ignored the free info I was given. However, 12BB's caught in a tightspot A4 from the button kind of plays itself 3 handed...with 12BB's.
I feel slightly better about it now I've relaxed, as it was high % plays and solid technical play that got me through the field. I cant really moan when the donkey putting his whole stack in with J high gets lucky. 63% of the time I win at showdown. 80%+ i pick up the 30k in there without running a board.. So it is theright technical play.
What is annoying me is I didnt use the free information was given, as you say bandini. Really felt like I had a huge skill edge, perhaps should have used that to take a guarenteed 2nd and worked from there.
Fact is I'd make the same bet again. I hold I become chip leader and definately win. Only running a board vs a donkey there, them holding J high for their tournamet life.
Sick spot on the bubble of this where Daveyzz (from forum) made a rare 4 bet after I'd 2.2xd from UTG. Forcing me to lay down J's. Kind of him to show K's
Never putting my tournament life on J's on bubble
I'll be honest, that short, I'm shoving every unopened pot, every button and every limp. It's pretty much a shovefest by then and I always want to have my chips in first. Unless they have a big premium they have a tough call, you have fold equity, and you're probably live at worst. It's not poker but 10bb play isn't. Aggression wins more often than it doesn't. You just got unlucky IMHO dude. Might be wrong and there'r far better players on here that might say different and fair enough. I just always ask myself, sort of like christians, "What would ljamesl do?" And he'd have done what you did.
Skills were getting that far. Came down to luck then. You just fell on the wrong side of serindipity's kiss. I've been there a million times.
Donk has very low aggro factor, my post flop edge should have been used here. I cant like anything that calls me here, bar 22/33/A2.
Should have allowed him to make a mistake, which he would have, rather than get it in marginally. However we can argue him getting his whole stack in with J high is a mistake.....
Results orientated for the win huh?
Results orientated just now methinks
if guy is limping into your bb all the time, start shoving. Also openshove into lags bb instead of raising small given reads