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patriot58Small blind 75.0075.00545.00avfcalexBig blind 150.00225.001230.00 Your hole cards57 patriot58Raise 225.00450.00320.00avfcalexCall 150.00600.001080.00Flop J77 avfcalexCheck patriot58All-in 320.00920.000.00avfcalexCall 320.001240.00760.00patriot58Show9A avfcalexShow57 Turn 6 River Q patriot58WinFlush to the Ace1240.00 1240.00
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Please dont direct comments to me.
I post enough for the community members to get a good feel for my personality, so I hope that I dont need to go into too much detail.
This "guy" was having a bit of a meltdown so I sent a PM recommending a break, as its hard to see straight when your being coolered constantly. I've given the same advice a number of times direct to forum, as seen.
Then this "guy" puts up an utterly bogus hand history. Which I think is disgraceful.
My line of work for a long time was working with habitually deceitful, manipulitive characters. If theres one thing that really gets in my grill its manipulitive liars. So this post really annoyed me:
"you are in area 51 you dummy. it's a ranting station. if you don't like it, go to the the shed or the footy corner and talk about something you enjoy. As for messaging me yet again apologising for your words on here i'm not interested"
This is utter nonsense. He knows it, I know it. It takes a special kind of "guy" to pathalogically lie and manipulate in this style. "Guy" wouldnt know the truth if he tripped over it.
Obviously replace "Guy" with any word of your own choosing.
How long was you an M.P for then ;-)
I don't imagine that i am alone in thinking that his posts are a designed to elicit an indignant response and would add that no right-minded person is questioning your integrity here.
Chill man.
In Response to Re: hi : How long was you an M.P for then ;-)
Posted by lucy4
Lol man ! +1 I was thinking the same but about solicitors.
How oh so easy it is to rattle your cage. From what started out to be nothingness, it really is hilarious how this has exploded into so much. It's amusing how you feel you have to tell the sky poker community everything.. when in all honesty I doubt most to nearly all of them are not even remotely interested in our little 'scuffle'. Not once, twice, even thrice but FOUR times in the last 2 days you've stated you would no longer speak to me or even bother talking about these hands you tell me i've 'doctored' << lol. Sure. But nope.. on comes Dean and writes his essay to the community about our personal feud.
I suggest you see a specialist or your doctor and ask them, 'please explain to me why someone I've never heard of, seen or let alone even met is affecting me so badly over an internet forum, it's getting to the point where i'm losing sleep at night doc.. and having to reply to every little word he puts in great description because i JUST CAN'T COPE WITH IT ANYMORE'. You see Dean if I had a pound for every person i'd successfully wound up on any TV, poker, footy etc forum.. i'd be rich. Because it's just that god damn easy.
I look forward to your fifth reply because we all know when you say you're done, that's only conveying you can't wait for me to post again so you can get back on the defensive.
I'm just some 21 year old student who plays a bit of poker, winds a few people up with some runner runner bad beats and you sir, are the perfect type of bait i oh so love to have reply. Trololol.
I dont think you are a WUM, I think youir the other thing.
My online game is risk averse, its probably c//rap over sample. But he takes the time to listen. Iv'e never claimed to be great. I just am what i am.
You should have folded those K's though :P ( i'm very drunk).
Theres a difference between being a WUM and insane, for those it mattes to...........
Again I think its manipulation. He's hiding behind the excuse of being a WUM, when in fact he's just a nutcase
But hey AMYBR don't forget.....What goes around comes around.