Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
My turn to take an awful beat
1st hand of the damn tourney! DTD too
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceprincessxxSmall blind 10.0010.004990.00luvBWFCBig blind 20.0030.004980.00 Your hole cardsAA rosjim1Fold KelloggsCall 20.0050.004980.00J-HartiganRaise 75.00125.004925.00BETY1TIMEFold princessxxCall 65.00190.004925.00luvBWFCRaise 375.00565.004605.00KelloggsFold J-HartiganFold princessxxCall 320.00885.004605.00Flop 882 princessxxBet 885.001770.003720.00luvBWFCCall 885.002655.003720.00Turn 9 princessxxBet 2655.005310.001065.00luvBWFCAll-in 3720.009030.000.00princessxxAll-in 1065.0010095.000.00princessxxShowK9 luvBWFCShowAA River 9
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