1. I wd like to play please 2. I am not in a team 3. I don't really want to join a team 4. Can I nominate a team to guest in each time I play? Posted by SoLack
you can nominate to be in TPT every week.........sound good??
Great Idea Trev, Good luck to all registered & All Squaddies in so far!
Unfortunately due to being away all last week-end & Fulham home tonight & sunday, I canna play otherwise I willl have a Hitdivorce on ma hands, and I canna afford that!!
If honest Fridays are difficult for me, but will play when i can & will encourage other Squaddies to take part!!
Not sure bout every Friday, but stick my name down please! TKP ....and I am sure you can afford to give the winner a month of Primo entries out of your winnings from the SPT Final Terv! ) Posted by MAXALLY
Haha... Look at Alan pretending he has a social life (count him in every friday Trev)
in please trev- and if we still having tec difficulties we won't notice cos it's really slow - my excuse for being rubbish last week. I'm currently composing my excuses for this week as I type!!!!
I am in please Trev really enjoyed the last one.
also i cant commit every week but will play when im in
Stick my name down please (TNP).
Unfortunately due to being away all last week-end & Fulham home tonight & sunday, I canna play otherwise I willl have a Hitdivorce on ma hands, and I canna afford that!!
If honest Fridays are difficult for me, but will play when i can & will encourage other Squaddies to take part!!
ps WP Liamboi last week!!
Jam it in their Eye!!
Isn't this official anyway
In Response to Re: Orfordable Team Last Longer Challenge?:
Ahem!!!! I feel unloved.