ahahah am not playin for 30pence il giv him 30p 2 stfu hes makin a fool of himself, wouldnt mind if he could play mickyboy, we will c if the hardnut shows up at 8pm m8, am sure hes watchin
deposited a fiver 3 months ago, started playing 30p DYM to learn the game as a complete beginner, picket it up quickly and am now at 2.25, soon to be 5.50 DYM with 70 quid profit. So i will be joining you 'high rollers' soon enough. And that is not my graph, do you want me to printscreen my real graph? your pretty sad mick for making up a graph on shark scope using paint. Posted by shuffle62
we pay bigger rakes than you play ..... now fcuk off from this thread u peasent !!!!!!!
well guess who never shown up 2 the sit n go............... yes u guessed it 5 knucle shuffle but i did find him playin a 2.25 dym i went and called him out and still no show,
In Response to Re: THE MICKJENN1 FAN CLUB, JOIN FOR GOOD BANTER AND SUM TIPS HOW 2 PLAY MTTS : we pay bigger rakes than you play ..... now fcuk off from this thread u peasent !!!!!!! Posted by themackem
hahahah for once mackem we agree... shuffle needs to put up or shut up!!!! end of!! go on the micko!!!!;-)
Mick you are soon going to have the most popular thread on this site and gl to you.... The introduce yourself thread is currently in the lead by 20 odd, but not for long imo!
mackem your amazing paying higher rake than i play, ive been playing for 3 months and am a much better player than you, ill grind my way up and see you at the tables at the end of the year.
Im not too much of a drinker... just cant stand the mackem... telling me to fcuk off cuz he plays higher level games than me... i will be there soon enough.
Shuffle, in your very first post on here came across like your an arrogant little boy! You say your a much better player than mick and mackem(and probably everyone else who posts on this thread)yet you have only been playing 3 months? I suggest you stay quiet now untill that £70 bankroll is a little more respectable, what you need to remember is most of the lads on this thread lose more running for the bus! Good luck Shuffle but for now do yourself a favour and stop making a complete fool of yourself on here!
this shuffle character is the new phil ivey 2 hear him talk, he talks a good game but when it comes to the crunch hes just a big girls blouse, shuffle do us a favour and put ur wages in ur bankroll on friday and come out 2 play m8, show us all wat a star player u r, u r another jp derry it seems, n look wats happened 2 him, i think thats goin 2 have 2 be ur nickname jp shuffle maybe u and him cud get 2gether and be the 2 ronnies or sumthing reckon u wud make more from beein a poker player, heres a pic of u and jp ein a comedian than a poker player
The "mick jenn fan club" eh! I know ur a big headed wotsit but this takes the biscuit surprised you have filled more than one page, never mind on to number 11. I see "shocking shuffle" makes up a lot of them for you. I answer to Phils multiple choice on him, I think it is a,b & c not just one of them! Anyway, keep your tips Mick, I might start losing :):)
this shuffle character is the new phil ivey 2 hear him talk, he talks a good game but when it comes to the crunch hes just a big girls blouse, shuffle do us a favour and put ur wages in ur bankroll on friday and come out 2 play m8, show us all wat a star player u r, u r another jp derry it seems, n look wats happened 2 him, i think thats goin 2 have 2 be ur nickname jp shuffle maybe u and him cud get 2gether and be the 2 ronnies or sumthing reckon u wud make more from beein a poker player, heres a pic of u and jp ein a comedian than a poker player Posted by mickjenn1
Hi, Didnt JP just win a Bracelet?
p.s. I'm up for joining. Not masssive success but played over 300 games and not down (check 'scope)
mick m8yyyyyyyy hows u?? shuffle cmon grow some b alls we want u hds up not small cash tho... mick mick mick we love ya tango man.... tb we love ya raf man....mackem we love ya ..BIG DADDY man.. daveyzz we love ya MIDGET MAN.. mr boro we love ya ..top gezzer man .loopy lisa we love ya .jeremy kyle girl...and finally we love the mighty RAZOR VIN DIESEL UNCLE FESTER KEV ....
Im not too much of a drinker... just cant stand the mackem... telling me to fcuk off cuz he plays higher level games than me... i will be there soon enough. Posted by shuffle62
I'll play Mick - my bet is that he's 'gone away from the computer' and won't see the challenge until unfortunately after 8pm
I suggest you stay quiet now untill that £70 bankroll is a little more respectable, what you need to remember is most of the lads on this thread lose more running for the bus!
Good luck Shuffle but for now do yourself a favour and stop making a complete fool of yourself on here!
ein a comedian than a poker player
Anyway, keep your tips Mick, I might start losing
p.s. I'm up for joining. Not masssive success but played over 300 games and not down (check 'scope)
You all going for the Primo?