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Turbocharged DYMs VS Hyper HU sngs
Having played both variants in large volume I make the following observations:
1) This has been discussed to death but the rake on turbo DYMs absolutely kills profit. You are £500 better off playing hypers than DYMs for every 1000 games played, purely on a rake basis(at £10 buyin). At lower stakes this cannot be dismissed even if DYMs are your stronger game.
2) Four tabling £10 dyms means you can play 16 an hour at peak times. Outside peak times this is a problem because it takes a while for each table to fill. For hyper sngs you can pretty much get a game at any time of the day, two tabling it is possible to play up to 24 games an hour. From a cash for points perspective I think its easier to get say 10k playing hypers than turbo dyms.
3) The most important thing profit. I have scoped some of the top turbo dym regs and analysed their stats. The variance is scary, you can easily have a swing of 2-300(even more in some cases) quid in a short space of time. Its early days with the hypers so its difficult to draw any conclusion yet.
4) Quality of opponent. In dyms you cant necessarily chose who you play and you have to accept that your table may have 2 or 3 other regs meaning its difficult to cash as you all are trying basically the same strategy. With HU Hypers you can use scope before you sit down with another player, meaning that your decision to play a particular game is more optimal. Hypers also drag in the casual adrenalin junkie type poker players that dont understand hand values and how to play them.
So whats the conclusion, from my perspective I suppose I am a bit biaised as I am a HU specialist. I love the Hypers and cant thank JJ enough for requesting that sky offer these games. The rake is palatable and it is possible I believe to get an astronomic cash for points figure if you apply yourself to these properly.
It would be interesting to hear others thoughts.
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Understanding what makes a good HU player isnt rocket science, theres loads of forums/sites dedicated to HU sngs.
Doing the dirty work if you like !