Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
moderators getting paid for nothing
hello! helllo! HALOW!
haven't been here in a while....but lo and behold !....there is so much to read in area 51 that i now wonder...WHY? start much of the content is now totally unrelated to poker....all of which remains within area 51....whereas hitherto....(luverly word that)...hitherto...all unrelated articles where removed and placed in either "The shed"...or..."Clinic"..or begs an answer to the question....."Who moderates the moderators?"....or are they the be all and end all...of the be... and the end....certainly ambiguous...definitely questionably....and obviously uninterested in anything we've got to say...However...I would like to invite them to dinner....with a nice bottle of quixanto...fuhfuhfuhfuhfuhfuhfuh
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Dinner would be lovely thank you