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PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancethethirdpoSmall blind £0.02£0.02£3.94tillytrotBig blind £0.04£0.06£4.81 Your hole cardsQJ pLeV41Fold RandomRivFold lactofreeRaise £0.16£0.22£1.96thethirdpoCall £0.14£0.36£3.80tillytrotFold Flop 1098 thethirdpoCheck lactofreeBet £0.27£0.63£1.69thethirdpoRaise £0.54£1.17£3.26lactofreeAll-in £1.69£2.86£0.00thethirdpoCall £1.42£4.28£1.84thethirdpoShowQJ lactofreeShow102 Turn 10 River 10 lactofreeWinFour 10s£3.95 £3.95
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UL sir
Post be happy he wasn't full stacked.
Just relieved I folded pre flop :+)
hi does anybody get this,when i play 6 man table i bet it takes about 5 seconds for the flop to show.when i fold the flop is instant.what is going thinks someone or thing is debating what cards to give me on the flop,anybodyelse let me know,it is very strange.will be looking into this more.STRANGE VERY STRANGE
just been playing cash game got A's all in preflop against K's turn and river came the last two k's in pack soooo sick lol