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is this a good flop to lead out as there is a flush draw out there or is it best to check raise as i
abercataSmall blind £0.15£0.15£16.77alfarch30Big blind £0.30£0.45£10.47 Your hole cards44 angie6108Raise £0.90£1.35£58.65wwozzaCall £0.90£2.25£21.66TheyDontNoFold kingpin154Call £0.90£3.15£1.12abercataFold alfarch30Fold Flop J46 angie6108Bet £1.50£4.65£57.15wwozzaFold kingpin154All-in £1.12£5.77£0.00angie6108Unmatched bet £0.38£5.39£57.53angie6108Show44 kingpin154ShowJ9 Turn 3 River 3 angie6108WinFull House, 4s and 3s£5.12
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As usual GT is spot on, make it at least 2/3 of pot on the flop lead
played perfectly fine