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How should I have played this?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancethethirdpoSmall blind £0.02£0.02£4.32turnbull08Big blind £0.04£0.06£3.74 Your hole cards1010 BCFCBenCall £0.04£0.10£2.52THEGRISLEYFold raindawg89Fold 1-on-uCall £0.04£0.14£3.41thethirdpoRaise £0.29£0.43£4.03turnbull08Call £0.27£0.70£3.47BCFCBenCall £0.27£0.97£2.251-on-uFold Flop 944 thethirdpoBet £0.49£1.46£3.54turnbull08Call £0.49£1.95£2.98BCFCBenFold Turn 3 thethirdpoBet £0.98£2.93£2.56turnbull08Call £0.98£3.91£2.00River 8 thethirdpoAll-in £2.56£6.47£0.00turnbull08All-in £2.00£8.47£0.00thethirdpoUnmatched bet £0.56£7.91£0.56thethirdpoShow1010 turnbull08ShowQQ turnbull08WinTwo Pairs, Queens and 4s£7.31 £7.31
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does the oppo stack light, if no then slow down
hard to get away from readless, i mean he played it so passive from start to finish