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what do i do here such a tricky spot i put him on high pocket pair but could easily be a flush draw
dogcharlieSmall blind £0.10£0.10£26.69angie6108Big blind £0.20£0.30£25.45 Your hole cardsJJ blackcobraCall £0.20£0.50£35.04badboy913Raise £0.40£0.90£17.72moose28970Fold 0zzy1116Fold dogcharlieCall £0.30£1.20£26.39angie6108Call £0.20£1.40£25.25blackcobraCall £0.20£1.60£34.84Flop 822 dogcharlieCheck angie6108Check blackcobraCheck badboy913Bet £1.20£2.80£16.52dogcharlieCall £1.20£4.00£25.19angie6108Call £1.20£5.20£24.05blackcobraFold Turn 5 dogcharlieCheck angie6108Check badboy913Bet £5.20£10.40£11.32dogcharlieFold angie6108Fold badboy913Muck badboy913Win £4.94 £16.26badboy913Return £5.20£0.26£21.4
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why not 3bet to see where you are?
Or a riase on the flop?
how can 1 little min raise make you think he has a higher pp, this is terrible btw
also have you gone for worlds longest thread title?
There are some very good players here that will try to help you. I need to talk more about hands im just lazy!
3-bet pre fwiw. This would allow us to lead the flop. Check calling the flop and check folding the turn is pretty bad imo here.