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views please i think i played this well i called hes bets all the way and the river he bet 2.40 and
kimber239Small blind £0.15£0.15£12.41Velorum1Big blind £0.30£0.45£12.79 Your hole cardsKJ angie6108Raise £0.90£1.35£48.19b123nFold marcus191Fold shez786Fold kimber239Call £0.75£2.10£11.66Velorum1Call £0.60£2.70£12.19Flop 2K9 kimber239Bet £1.35£4.05£10.31Velorum1Fold angie6108Call £1.35£5.40£46.84Turn 3 kimber239Bet £2.70£8.10£7.61angie6108Call £2.70£10.80£44.14River 5 kimber239Bet £2.40£13.20£5.21angie6108All-in £44.14£57.34£0.00kimber239Fold angie6108Muck angie6108Win £14.82 £14.82angie6108Return £41.74£0.78£56.56
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Dont think your getting KQ or better to fold enougth times are you?
Your getting worse to fold and called by better most times even with his stack
Just call river.
Only a bluff can ever fold this river. We beat one hand (KT) and thats it. We're bluffing with no fold equity what so ever here.
I think his range is pretty tight too. Either the nuts or air. Therefore flatting is ok to do. Rasing is out of the window completely due to pot/stack sizes. Folding seems nitty.
Id also consider raising the flop.