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is this worth calling with the raise coming from short stack not worth it in my view to set mind vie
angie6108Small blind £0.15£0.15£29.55crazyrazeBig blind £0.30£0.45£4.70 Your hole cards88 sonofnepRaise £1.20£1.65£6.60jonnyg609Fold zxsprnCall £1.20£2.85£37.68leefyCall £1.20£4.05£3.46angie6108Fold crazyrazeFold Flop A24 sonofnepBet £0.30£4.35£6.30zxsprnRaise £3.79£8.14£33.89leefyFold sonofnepCall £3.49£11.63£2.81Turn K sonofnepCheck zxsprnBet £11.63£23.26£22.26sonofnepAll-in £2.81£26.07£0.00zxsprnUnmatched bet £8.82£17.25£31.08sonofnepShow29 zxsprnShowAK River 9 zxsprnWinTwo Pairs, Aces and Kings£16.38 £47.4
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if u call pre, your likely going to fold to another big bet anyway(unless u hit 8)