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AQ with 30BB facing an early possition 3x raise
Playing a live tournement last night I having grinded my way through a horrible table full of limpers and calling stations I was up to 35K with blinds at 1200/600/a100. For the record I had played about half a dozen hands: flopped a set of sevens, then made a runner-runner full house, 4-bet shoved with JJ from the button to make BB fold tens and made a squeeze play with aces with four limpers.
We broke for the final table and I am 3rd in chips. The two chip leaders have about 40K but the rest are around 15K or less.
Final table is 9 players and all but one on my table were fish or loose passive players.
On the very first hand the chip leader raises to 3.5K from early possition (I think it was UTG+1) folded around to me in the hi-jack and I have AQ. I have no reads on the player at all as I have never played with him but he has the look of a good player just by the way he carries him self.
What should I do?
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lol at guy looks like good player, reverse tell imo
My thinking was that if I call then a) I have four players still to act after me who may well call too, don't want to see a flop multi way with AQ. b) even if they all fold then on the flop I'm likely to miss and my opponent is first to act on the flop. If I hit my ace or queen then they are very likely scare cards if my opponent has a pocket pair and I'm unlikely to get any more value from the hand. In the (more likely scenario) where I miss my opponent should c-bet any low flop and I can't continue in the hand.
I shoved and the villian insta-called with kings. No ace. I've been reading about playing poker with <25 big blinds and it seems to me that flat calling a raise with this type of stack is bad because you only give yourself one way of winning the hand (hitting your cards). Re-shoving means that you can also get your opponent to fold. The problem was I had a little more than that.
If your shoving in this spot then it's very likely a better hand will call, you don't want this end result.
You may fold out a mid pr but it's a high risk move with no reads/tells.
If you take a flop and you miss then you miss, it's only 10% of your stack - NP
Did you really think he going to be calling a shove with JJ/AJ or worse.
Think you would rarther see a flop and maybe you flop a A or Q and get some chips from an underpair.
nine handed FT and your facing and EP raise then I would just flat the raise and see how it plays out.
You could even nit up and fold )
One more question. At what point chipstack-wise should I be shoving in this situation? If I had 15xBB then I'm getting called by worse hands as well as better right?
What if I have AK in this situation. Do I still flat? What about all the other players still to act? I'm just trying to become a better tournement player