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Just about had enough of this site. Its just amazing how often hands such as below occur. Ive played over 5000 games on this site, winning a fair percentage but imo there is just something not right with the rng or how cards are dealt and im on the point of giving up.
Hand History #418943482 (20:01 27/09/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceDCHOSEN1Small blind 15.0015.001050.00baggsBig blind 30.0045.00905.00 Your hole cards510 DCHOSEN1Raise 45.0090.001005.00baggsCall 30.00120.00875.00Flop 768 baggsCheck DCHOSEN1Bet 90.00210.00915.00baggsCall 90.00300.00785.00Turn 9 baggsCheck DCHOSEN1Check River 9 baggsBet 300.00600.00485.00DCHOSEN1Raise 600.001200.00315.00baggsAll-in 485.001685.000.00DCHOSEN1Call 185.001870.00130.00DCHOSEN1Show66 baggsShow510 DCHOSEN1WinFull House, 6s and 9s1870.00 2000.00
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(Not that would have mad any difference in this case)
In Response to Re: Had Enough:
Just lol and how predictable the responses are without any mention of how frequently action hands occurPod - let me just check how successful your vast knowledge of poker makes you........oh thats odd, its a red number. Must be an error with scope?
KB245 - Make your mind up. On another thread you imply you cant beat online roulette because the computer just picks a string of numbers ...... You do realise its the same RNG as the poker dont you? Make your mind up which way your arguing. And yes Id welcome a game anytime
2. Calling someone a dimwit and spelling it wrong is rather ironic. You actually think Sky have two Random Number Generators, one for poker which you maintain is fine and the other for vegas which isnt. WOW, thats brilliant. It makes my conspiracy theories look positively division 2! Try looking on the help and support "Sky Betting and Gaming's RNG is audited by" - No plural and the word "is" and not "are" , i.e. there is only 1
In fairness though baggs, this is a pretty standard hand. You obv feel there is something off with the rng, fair enough, but posting this hand really does nothing to prove or even suggest this