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Is this the worst turn call ever?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexxxxxxSmall blind £0.25£0.25£111.11StupormanBig blind £0.50£0.75£20.32 Your hole cardsJA AckersFold tappazukiRaise £1.50£2.25£42.13lynx3ffectFold stienRaise £4.50£6.75£44.00xxxxxxCall £4.25£11.00£106.86StupormanFold tappazukiCall £3.00£14.00£39.13Flop JQQ xxxxxxxCheck tappazukiCheck stienCheck Turn Q xxxxxCheck tappazukiCheck stienBet £6.00£20.00£38.00xxxxxxCall £6.00£26.00£100.86tappazukiFold River K xxxxxxCheck stienCheck xxxxxxShowK8 stienMuckJA xxxxxxWinFull House, Queens and Kings£24.70 £125.56
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Or indeed the pf call?!
It was meant as a humourous post, sadly that was lost on you. It made me laugh because I can see him calling the turn for his flush draw once I see his hand at showdown.
I would also argue that in your case you extract value from players who buy the "I need more buyins than most because I play a very aggro style" line you came out with during your studio appearance when in the vast majority of cases you show up with Helmuths starting hands for begginers, “To begin with, I recommend playing only the top ten hands and folding all others.”– Phil Hellmuth, Play Poker Like the Pros.