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do u have an ARCH NEMESIS...i do...he's Davepasta
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceOldBobSmall blind 10.0010.001990.00BARBIE59Big blind 20.0030.001980.00 Your hole cardsKQ mardel501Fold BENNY69Fold sikasRaise 60.0090.001940.00DavePastaCall 60.00150.001940.00OldBobFold BARBIE59Fold Flop 3Q7 sikasBet 140.00290.001800.00DavePastaCall 140.00430.001800.00Turn J sikasBet 322.50752.501477.50DavePastaCall 322.501075.001477.50River 10 sikasBet 806.251881.25671.25DavePastaAll-in 1477.503358.750.00sikasAll-in 671.254030.000.00sikasShowKQ DavePastaShowA2 DavePastaWinFlush to the Ace4030.00 4030.00
he's gets there EVERYTIME against me
any1 else got1?
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