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for anyone moaning about bad play winning all the time
these 2 hands happened 1 after the other, and then 2 hands later this happened all in the same tourney, see the best cards do stand up!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesimon1976Small blind 300.00300.002652.50BaffCon1Big blind 600.00900.0012425.00 Your hole cardsAK scouse1305Fold robyoungAll-in 4485.005385.000.00simon1976Fold BaffCon1Call 3885.009270.008540.00BaffCon1Show102 robyoungShowAK Flop 38A Turn 6 River 7 robyoungWinPair of Aces9270.00 9270.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceBaffCon1Small blind 300.00300.008240.00scouse1305Big blind 600.00900.0011390.00 Your hole cardsA10 robyoungAll-in 9270.0010170.000.00simon1976Fold BaffCon1All-in 8240.0018410.000.00scouse1305Fold robyoungUnmatched bet 730.0017680.00730.00BaffCon1Show78 robyoungShowA10 Flop 1046 Turn A River 6 robyoungWinTwo Pairs, Aces and 10s17680.00 18410.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerobyoungSmall blind 300.00300.0018410.00simon1976Big blind 600.00900.002052.50 Your hole cardsJJ devilcardsCall 600.001500.009362.50scouse1305Fold robyoungAll-in 18410.0019910.000.00simon1976Fold devilcardsAll-in 9362.5029272.500.00robyoungUnmatched bet 8747.5020525.008747.50robyoungShowJJ devilcardsShow<span
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