Started using Sharkscope in the last 12 months to track progress. At first, it was pretty shocking, a) seeing what I'd lost and b) the general shape of the graph(s).
It's a taken a lot of behavioural change and a lot of time reading in the poker clinic and practising/grinding, but my SnG graph is, for the very first time, above the dotted ------------------------ 0 ------------------------ line (total profit $11).
Alright, this is a brag thread. Am just really happy
What are everyone else's SnG graphs like? Wonder who has the prettiest?! Just had a quick nosey at Dohhhhhhh's and JohnConnor's. The differences are hilarious/depressing...?! Took me 750 games to get better, and embark on an upward trend. So, there's hope for everyone who's in a trough, just keep on at it.
Well done just carry it on the way its been going and you'll be loaded!
My lowest point was after about 600 games at -£150
i'm hitting my peak at the moment with around £480+ but thats after 1850 games so its not great.
My Av ROI is 3% and the graph looks like a mountain range.
Going to try and grind loads over the next few weeks with the aim of trying to have an average profit in STT of />0
I'm tempted to pay the $9.99 so i can break down my stats and maybe even reset them. Would like to pickup 5k C4P this month and grind a decent profit but we'll see, been lazy to far this month and hardly played!
And my scheduled graph from another site, just under 300 games
I think that really shows you that you need time to learn. I learnt via mostly bountys on sky and sky scheduled graph looks, par to be honest. The other one im pretty pleased with. The STT one im a little disappointed im only $45 up after 1000 games but then again i always hated dyms
My lowest point was after about 600 games at -£150
i'm hitting my peak at the moment with around £480+ but thats after 1850 games so its not great.
My Av ROI is 3% and the graph looks like a mountain range.
Going to try and grind loads over the next few weeks with the aim of trying to have an average profit in STT of
I'm tempted to pay the $9.99 so i can break down my stats and maybe even reset them. Would like to pickup 5k C4P this month and grind a decent profit but we'll see, been lazy to far this month and hardly played!
Gl with whatever you decide to do
The difference between individual players is pretty fascinating.
Still impressive stuff
This is MTT only. I did that experiment with Russian Roulettes a while back so that made my overall graph 'untrue'.
Very nice!!
Nice work!
Oddly, almost infinitely more proud of the STT one...
YOUNG_GUN, that's what I thought, quite eye-opening innit!
However to graphs of note
STTs (skypoker) 1000 games
And my scheduled graph from another site, just under 300 games
I think that really shows you that you need time to learn. I learnt via mostly bountys on sky and sky scheduled graph looks, par to be honest. The other one im pretty pleased with. The STT one im a little disappointed im only $45 up after 1000 games but then again i always hated dyms <<< my STT graph for stars ( mainly played hyper turbo HU)
MTT bit better but not totally accurate still