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MTT spot, quite deep v fish w/top 2
i probably just get it in here he probably has some bare A and he aint ever going to fold not in these tournaments shove it fist pump when he turns over A9 something like that then pour a drink when the pot is shipped to you
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How am I getting paid here?
I've no post flop reads really....
Here's the yellow box
"Dfest lvl 2, doubled early, and limp called pre Q4 off!!!"
His double up was on a diff table, and the Q4 hand we checked it down 3 streets and I won w/Kq high.
My options r obv to just ship it now, or c/c or crai any turn.
Seems really basic, but I'm annoyed so I'm posting it.
Or call and lead turn <--always confuses me when people do that.
If we just flat the re-raisse, check turn he can check and see both cards.
There doesnt seem too much or a draw there so he prob get enough to get it in now
All in.
In favour of just flatting. Really strong hand and the villian has raised 1/4 of his stack in. Could work both ways though, if we flat/check turn we can look strong but there would be more chips in the middle and villian might see it as a nice stealing opportunity. Of course we could end up getting owned if villian ends up turning a straight or a set.
personally i would have called checked , hopefully he shoves with A or pp (happens trust me) if not shoving most rivers
I know its likely he can outdraw us but if he has any draws i reckon hes shoving or betting turn anyway