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15 seconds just isn't enough
This has been bugging me for ages. The 15 seconds to decide in a hand, in both cash and tourneys just isn't enough,, especially when multi-tabling.
I started back here about a month or 2 ago after the whole full - T thing and only having 15 secs and no time-bank is making me leave - to go and play on Poker - S ..
Gota be done ,, will be back when all is updated
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its a tough life .
Or is that just me?
I mean lets not forget - if you are last to react it could be at least 75 secs before its your turn to bet.
But I agree. Has to be regulated to stop it being taken advantage of but sometimes you just need to replay a hand from back to front before you call with K high.
I just get too excited at times. As IrishRover and Loonytoon's wifes will testify to :-)
The default turn to act is 20 seconds, this applies to all cash tables and the vast majority of tournaments/sit and go's.
The exceptions are listed below
Speed/Turbo tournaments are 12 or 15 secs
Regular DYM's are all set at 15 secs due to their nature
Sky Roller and Sunday Roller are both 25 secs
All UKOPS events will be 30 secs turn time to act (1 exception being the turbo event which will be 15 or 20 secs)
A timebank won't be introduced in time for UKOPS unfortunately but it is something we are keen to get done
Best Wishes
have to say the need of a timebank is there. i had a cash pot the other day. Flop comes good, and guy donk shoves 2x pot into me 2 players to act behind. Now usually in this situation i know well, but how to get paid from someone behind. At the time i paniced and shoved myself, but i know i could have done soo much better.
hi all i only play the small dym and one table at a time i would like to no how a time back would work say in mtt as thats the most played games
so then 20secs per hand 6 hands a leveal sky like i think so if you fold your hand in 4 secs you then get to bank 16 secs and so on and it starts again at the begining of every leveal as i no there is a lot of players that take there time just to try to put otheres off there game
In cash games (at higher levels) the metagame has a bigger role as stacks are deeper, there is often history among those at the table and, as a chip's relative value remains the same in cash, a person's previous decisions in similar situations are relevant.
I don't think a blanket time increase is needed, however, a time bank (3 timeouts?) could be appropriate if marshalled properly. It would have to pause the blinds clock too, for obvious reasons.
When people are faced with a big desision, say you have Kings and 2 all ins infront f you on the bubble of your biggest MTT youve ever played in. Normally if it doesnt matter we snap call because the odds are correct. But now suddenly that min cash seems tastey. Emotion starts to flood are brain. We dont think clearly. A situation like this would result in us making a poor desision in 15 seconds. With a time bank we can take a breather allow us to regain control of our thoughts from the emotion and make the correct desision. Ok this is a pretty extreme example but i just wanted to get my point across.