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Well i never caught by the big blind again
This DYM was up and down like no ones business one minuet players would have barely any chips next they were chip leaded it was mad not so much has a shove fest but dare i say it bad beat. Then one player to go i'm on big blind this is what happened.
The worst thing is i have notes sat right by my laptop that say caution when on big blind. this is because i have been beat so many times with that free look at the flop.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Small blind 200.00200.00210.00rawhandBig blind 400.00600.0012.50 Your hole cards2Q Fold gCall 400.001000.005892.50 Fold rawhandCheck Flop 2Q9 rawhandAll-in 12.501012.500.00gCall 12.501025.005880.00rawhandShow2Q ShowQ9 Turn 4 River K gWinTwo Pairs, Queens and 9s1025.00 6905.00
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Then i remembered i was playing on sky...
But I'm sure there was a point when I didnt. Does make it bloody tricky to play against though