1) No I wasn't slowrollig that guy btw. I don't slowroll anyone ever. Obviously am multiing which slowed the call down a bit but also genuinely I wans't sure. Someone had 3bet to 6.25 pre and I was thinking he'd flatted it therefore he couldve hit a set and be beating my JJJ. So there u go.
2) Re: being braindead, on that hand scotty - not that I need to explain but this is the reformed me

literally 10 seconds b4 you had 3bet me pre with KTo which got shown. Obviously you 3bet me a fair bit so on a flop of J55 I ch/raised the flop wih 77 from £5 to £12. Wow, standard. Lucky turn 7 which put me ahead and that was when the money all when in as we were prety deep. So again, hardly a big fishy braindead lol. - For the record I startd the night losing 3 buyins in 5 hands vs 2 x sets and 1 trips, me with AA/KK/KK.
3) Scotty, was the all in mallarky about 5 times just b4 you went for my benefit? lol I now I play a lot of hands but I don't really have autocall on ya know ; (was thinking you hoped I might lol) Pryce, yes I did actually fold a hand )
4) Have said b4 FWIW apologies for any rants/abuse in the past, it wont be happening again, erm after I get back off my chat ban in about 3 weeks (which wasn't actually my fault as i happens imo though I did return the abuse to someone). If you didnt notice I stopped ranting lke a mor0n a while ago.
GL anyway. (I only won another 6 buyins tonight. I mut be the best-running donkey regular on here

No worries, you doubles up again flush vs someone elses flush that room within 2 minutes lol. I was trying to get his money for an hour haha.
This HH was more just to test posting one btw, thought I may as well get this one lol.
I didn't thinks Gods like you tilted anyway lol, not seen you flamin lose yet.....
(I deserve to be permanently banned for the past tbh. And deserve a good crack too. I'm honestly not a plebb off here. Well I don't think so anyway lol.)
Edit: Looking at that HH I'm not surprised you were annoyed. Blind vs blind then a 2 outer really on the turn, then another dream blank river. The Gods are against anyone in the BB there really.
Edit No.24 lol. Btw You called someones massive all in overbet bluff earlier with AT on T high board after the river and won a massive pot. I actually said Wow lol. Balls of steel haha. It was so obviously a busted draw IIRC but the donks always have a FH when I call them lol.
Also what did u have in the hand where you cold called my 3b and c/r 9 7 5r? Very interesting hand.
Can't remember that other hand but if you dig out the number I'll have a look and let you know/post the HH.
Btw I can't find a 24o one lol. I was thinking of a 46o one that was vs bmoorcroft.)
I knew by the time you took to fold that you had an overpair, was thinking only JJ though. Thought straightaway I should raised a bit less. I presume it WAS an overpair? And gf anyway if so
Hand History #424274306 (02:24 12/10/2011)
I folded Kings.