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Questionable call? - UKOPS 7 Satellite
Hi guys,
Just played in the £11+ 1 UKOPS 7 Satellite Qualifier and ran into an interesting hand against Dylan12.
This is my first post on the Sky Poker forums, so I'll give a little bit of back story. I'll be perfectly honest - I'm a total fish when it comes to tournaments (this being about the 10th I've played in my 2 year career) but when I saw the low buy-in and low field size for this event I decided to give it a shot.
I'm primarily a 6-Max cash game player so I went into this tournament playing my usual TAG game, hoping it would get me somewhere.
About 50-or-so hands in, Dylan 3x raised my big blind. He was fairly TAG as well from what I could see and this was the first time I'd played against him. Oh, and before I go any further, I just want to point out that I'm not bashing Dylan - he's obviously a fantastic tournament player but I can't get my head around how he made this call.
Blinds 50/100
Lang7 (BB - $4105) - Kh 9s
Dylan12 (BTN - $4230) - XX
Folded to Dylan12, raises to $300
SB folds
Lang7 calls $200
Pot $650
6s 8c 6d
Lang7 checks
Dylan12 checks
Pot $650
Lang7 bets $400
Dylan12 calls
Pot $1450
Lang7 bets $750
Dylan12 calls and wins the pot with a pair of 6's, Ace kicker (Ah Ks).
After the hand was over there was a bit of banter about whether this was a good call or not. Dylan felt it was an "obvious" call because it was me he was playing against. I really don't know where he got this wild read on me from, because I would be very surprised if I was playing anything near my usual 21/18 game that I play in cash games and I hadn't been caught with any bluffs. I was playing super aggressive post-flop, but I think I'd probably only been in about 5/6 hands total that actually got to a flop at that point.
He asked me "what are you repping?" after the hand, when, in my mind, I could have easily checked an 8 or 6 out of position on the flop and fired the turn to protect. Any queen could also have checked and is obviously betting that turn. Once he called the turn I thought he had a pair lower than 8's or random Ax/Kx hoping to hit/bluff catch, and I knew I'd probably have to double barrel after the turn.
When the 2c comes on the river, I'm never betting any 2, 6, any weak pocket pair or any weak-medium Q in my mind. I guess my range is really polarised once I value bet the river, but I still think calling off 1/4 of your stack against a strong double barrel from a TAG player is a questionable play on Dylan's part. Like I said, I spoke to Dylan afterward and he seemed happy with how he played it, and I'm content on how I played it too.
Any thoughts and opinions on any changes you'd make to how either of us play the hand, guys?
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Just because you bet does that mean you have to have a hand ? on river its costing 750 to win over 2100 with still over 2.5k left if wrong and also will stop anyone trying it on again with him . . . . . . . . . . . . oh and i forgot to say dylan suffers from terrible migrane and needs to lay down in a dark room with a blindfold on so prob forgot to take it off
Nh gg gl
Dylan is my hero btw x x x
I just dump K9 pre.
LOL at dylan in the blindfold
Just say good call and move on
+1 Dylan is never folding Ace high there it is the nuts!
I also dont understand why people think hero doesnt rep value hands here. Its a call dylan can make depending what reads he has on you, and he prob has to call that river after calling turn,but I dont agree with everyone that says this is a clear calldown for him readless
Also calling pre oop against a good player with K9o is not a good idea imo
but i would definately be folding pre
I'd occassionally play pocket 9's and tens like this as well - maybe about 20% of the time. I definitely prefer a 3-bet with these hands overall, but I do mix it up a little.
In Response to Re: Questionable call? - UKOPS 7 Satellite: I agree. Looking back, calling OOP with K9o is the only part of this hand I'm not happy with. I think I got drawn in to the call because it was the best hand I'd seen in a while. I'd actually typed in a 3-bet and changed my mind at the last minute to a call.
If Dylan comes over the top of me, it's an easy fold. If he calls, I might take the pot down with a donk c-bet (although I do hate a donk lead in any pot).
Yeah, I had a think about it and I don't like the flat at all. Fine with the rest of the hand though.