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First hand in a cash session.
Sat down to play for 30 mins ish before I went to the gym and this was my first hand...
layerActionCardsAmountPotBalancekexSmall blind £0.05£0.05£14.00MohicanBig blind £0.10£0.15£9.90 Your hole cards64 DUDLYE888Call £0.10£0.25£11.15Sunshine87Fold dgw69Fold WANTBITTYFold kexCall £0.05£0.30£13.95MohicanCheck Flop 6Q4 kexCheck MohicanBet £0.30£0.60£9.60DUDLYE888Raise £1.10£1.70£10.05kexFold MohicanRaise £2.68£4.38£6.92DUDLYE888All-in £10.05£14.43£0.00MohicanAll-in £6.92£21.35£0.00DUDLYE888Unmatched bet £1.25£20.10£1.25MohicanShow64 DUDLYE888ShowKK Turn 10 River 2 MohicanWinTwo Pairs, 6s and 4s£18.70 £18.70
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Nice hand.