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What is the best +ev strategy for unlimited rebuy tournaments such as the £1k gtd PLO? Be agressive early, even if it costs a few rebuys, to build a good stack before the break? Take a rebuy asap to become the big stack at the table? Always take the addon?
For a player who can't go the aggressive route due to BRM is it even worth playing? Assuming equal skills, who will make more profit long term, the aggressive player who spends extra to have a big stack more often or the br nit who only goes for the buy-in + add-on and has to run really well to be competitive?
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you can still be hyper aggressive whether you plan to rebuy/add-on or not i don't think that dynamic changes much just play it as if it is a normal freeze-out all the people rebuying and adding on are just boosting the prize pool, as long as you get your chips in the middle good at the time there is not much more you cn do apart from hoping to hold
fwiw here comes my little brag i ended up coming 3rd last week helped that all through the tournament i seem to get the best table draws with some of the less experienced omaha players which helped as i was getting paid much more on nut hands than i should of been but hey we all need a bit of luck along the way mine came in the form of perfect table draws and rarely any raising pre
but i think whether you can afford to rebuy 30 times or afford not to rebuy it doesn't really change as everytime they rebuy they are still going to have the same starting stack if they want to continue to donate take it with open arms and get involved, thats what i did and things went well for me although it helped that i knew what i was doing where as some don't really have much idea other than they start with 4 cards instead of 2 and that they can only use 2 of the hole cards lol and i found that it tended to be these players on my table who continued to rebuy over and over until they had reached there target of rebuys what ever that may be some rebuyed twice one other rebought i think it was 4 times and still busted before the break
You are absolutely right, it would be madness for me not to play the one proper PLO tournament on offer here and I am easliy rolled for a rebuy or 2, and if I have a decent stack at the break I will take the addon.
In my opinion the number of novices playing works both ways. If you get nut hands you are more likely to get paid, but if you don't you're less likely to get the odds to draw as other player will overvalue/overbet their marginal hands or you will be at a higher risk of being outdrawn because some just won't fold, so more hands at showdown. It feels like the already high variance of Omaha gets even higher once you introduce less experienced players.
I guess I'm trying to figure out if with the higher variance and the overlay attracting some much better players than me I will cash often enough and high enough to justify increasing my average outlay from let's say £11 to £22. I'll give the immediate rebuy a try at some point and see how it goes.
So the natural thought progression is that with a PLO rebuy you should be looking at the same if not more because of the higher variance in the game.
As we all know people will chase virtually any draw in PLO whether they have the odds or not and with the added crashmat of the rebuy it will be impossible to make people fold any draws. Although this can lead to a good solid player building up a big stack without the rebuys you can easily lose large amounts of chips when people hit their miracle cards when they should not have even been involved in the pots to begin with. I can imagine that in the first couple of levels that you will be seeing flops 5 or 6 way( even if raised) because people will be trying to get involved with all manner of hands hoping to hit lucky.This is exactly the startegy that takes PLO into ultrahigh variance because it will be impossible to get even a remotely sensible read on possible holdings.
So as i said for truly optimal play for yourself i think you need to be looking at having the rebuys at hand if you need them but try not to use them if you can. Sometimes we know we are not playing well and rebuying under those circumstances is just throwing money away.
I think there should be only 1 rebuy per person before break and one after. Endless rebuys before break ruins it as some people play any cards to double up. Maybe that would slow down crazy play and u would now u had buyin price plus two other buyin options if u wanted. So for example £1.10 rebuy tourni with my new rule u could only spend £3.30 maybe a good idea??