i had this hand in the dtd deepstack tonight and 99.9 % of the time i would snap call but something didnt feel right and i folded, It felt like pk As or a set for some reason and was for my entire stack and torny life and blinds are only 200.
if he had AJ would he have shoved for that much, after my raise pre? would he risk everything on a pair of Js as i could have QQ KK or AA i think you just gotta go with if you think your ahead or behind and make that decision. If i play ABC poker yes i should of made the call but sometimes you gotta go with your gut! i think most of you would say call you gotta think your ahead but i didnt.
There is no flush draw so he isnt pushing with set IMO the best he has is AJ or over pair to board and seeing as you have KK on that board its a SIMPLE SIMPLE call.
Firstly, don't try to make sense of his line, it makes none no matter what his holding is. Sometimes it's best not to try to put a logical thought process down for a player. People make mistakes, people play badly some times. If you over estimate people all of the time you will level any hand into the muck.
His range is wide open here, anything from sets to A high. Call and make a note.
he probly had 3 jacks,he had u beat, its a sky special,wake up will ya lol.it happens in all tourneys on ere,i bt kk with 99 earlier cos the guy min raised the kk, i flopped a 9 and got him,suppose u still made final table so wd...
There is no flush draw so he isnt pushing with set IMO the best he has is AJ or over pair to board and seeing as you have KK on that board its a SIMPLE SIMPLE call. Posted by cleaverjim
It's not simple thats just rude, he clearly states in opening post there is a reason to why he folded and sometimes you have to trust your instincts. In regards to the followng post aswell why would AA def bet half or 2/4 pot ??
In reply to thread, withot overthinking the hand he prob knows your on an overpair to the board or something strong the shove with this player i would call purely as he very LAG prob has top pair any kicker lol and as for tournament life it's fair enough not to get it in if it don't feel right thats how you final table tournaments by making these types of folds
just watched it and interesting comparison you gotta think what on earth would he be raising that much for and is it worth the gamble. Sometimes yes but for torny life considering the pot was only 1200 in my case. He could of been hoping i hit the J or had big pk pair and he may of hit a set of 2s who knows but laydowns like i did keeps you in the torny until you have information about the player before making really big life threatning torny decisions and i went on to come in 2nd place. Also dont forget there are still 2 cards to come and he could still improve then i only have a pair at the end of the day even though a big pair just wish i had a big pair to make the call lol
if he had AJ would he have shoved for that much, after my raise pre? would he risk everything on a pair of Js as i could have QQ KK or AA i think you just gotta go with if you think your ahead or behind and make that decision. If i play ABC poker yes i should of made the call but sometimes you gotta go with your gut! i think most of you would say call you gotta think your ahead but i didnt.
nope lol, im still in and still doing ok if i called and lost cos of a gamble i might be out! dont lay them down like this often mind!
In reply to thread, withot overthinking the hand he prob knows your on an overpair to the board or something strong the shove with this player i would call purely as he very LAG prob has top pair any kicker lol and as for tournament life it's fair enough not to get it in if it don't feel right thats how you final table tournaments by making these types of folds