I'm not taking offence that practically everyone is backing the community to be ahead, as I play exclusively turbo games and they are brutal beasts where you can be one river card away from victory and then 30 seconds later have lost the game!
They're great fun though and it means I get to play as many of you as possible in a night without multi-tabling. I would multi-table, but heads up in a turbo where you have a decision to make every couple of seconds and chatting to everyone in the chatbox is a pretty tall order on one table!
GL ALL! :-)
If the last 3 weeks are anything to go by I predict the score will be
Obv I can't win my own competition though and obv I won't be attempting to get the score to match this. I'll be doing my damndest to finish in front on the night!
Rich 41 Com 47 please
rich 38 - 48 community
I have faith mate
...........41 v 41............gd lk richard
just seen someone has the same so ill give rich 44 community 43
no worries if its to late and gl in freeroll acebarry hope you get a win!!!!!
rich 41 community 42
Rich 38 Rest 49
Hi Richard.
As you know Spornybol is pooly at the mo and I have been asked to pass on this message.
And I quote:
"Could you ask Rich Orford if` i win his heads up guess please pass it on to the next nearest as i won`t be able to play.
Thankyou all for your wonderful wishes, but please also wish oynutter well as he`s been through a heart op,
I hope all went well nutty, my heart (pun intended) and thoughts are with you, now chuck me a few off the many banana`s you have"
kind Regards
Ruth and Martin