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Was i right to stack off here?
Hand History #429854103 (18:09 26/10/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceJEFFY69Small blind £0.10£0.10£29.37PiAnOpLaYaBig blind £0.20£0.30£19.60 Your hole cards79 BigHawk89Raise £0.60£0.90£28.20oliwCall £0.60£1.50£23.54sex_kittenFold FORDYCEFold JEFFY69Call £0.50£2.00£28.87PiAnOpLaYaCall £0.40£2.40£19.20Flop 538 JEFFY69Check PiAnOpLaYaCheck BigHawk89Bet £1.45£3.85£26.75oliwFold JEFFY69Fold PiAnOpLaYaRaise £4.10£7.95£15.10BigHawk89Raise £10.60£18.55£16.15PiAnOpLaYaAll-in £15.10£33.65£0.00BigHawk89Call £7.15£40.80£9.00PiAnOpLaYaShowK10 BigHawk89Show79 Turn 9 River Q BigHawk89WinPair of 9s£39.00 £48.00
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Sure you do have alot of outs and vs many in my notes i may do the same myself , but vs this oppo i dont , and as ya see you was actually in a spot of bother as ure diamonds were dominated.
Cant remember the last time i fit a FD
b.t.w. Post flop i prob go with the 9-7 aswell (prob just fold pre UTG mind you
Didn't even need them to be suited lol
hoping to flop quads are we?
cmon man this is ur dream flop no way u can fold, the difference in opinion in the forum is most of these players wouldnt get involved pre with these cards in early position. (to be honest i dont like playing this hand under gun either)
but youve hit your flop and go with it jeez
What range do you think he c/r you 4way with on that board?
How much fold equity do yuo think you have?
Raise/folding a flush draw would be pretty bad play by villain imo.
The strength of a hand like you have is you can play your hand fast and make hands that should call fold, and when you get it in you have decent equity. Here when he raises 25% of his stack multiway your fe is close to 0 imo and when you get it in you are flipping at best, or a dog against a big draw. You are basically calling a shove needing about 45% equity, which is going to be pretty borderline with that hand (havent checked it may be ok). If you think you have decent fold equity getting it in is great