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Was just thinking about my first ever game of poker for money, and it was at a friends house in cheltnam i lived in bristol at the time, My friend asked me if i played before and i hadnt but the buzz was all around at the time and the craze had started, shops were selling poker sets and internet poker was kicking off big time. I was really interested and excited about playing as well as a bit scared, considering i had no idea of how to play texas holdem. I remember not even having a clue what hands beat what and my friends game me a card to have in front of me telling me what hands beat what lol. At the time i was way outta my depth as these guys played a lot every week, but saw it as a bit of fun with the lads and a good social thing to do. Drinks were going round we all gave in our money i think it wasnt much about 20 quid which for someone that knows nothing about how to play was quite a bit to lose. Its funny to think that far back now but we all started somewhere and i remember asking so many questions i must have been anoying especialy when i ask the player im playing against does an A mean high or low lol. I think i did win a few hands but didnt quite know how i won, also the thing that confused me most was the Button, BB and small Blind and constantly bet out of place and didnt know how these kind of things were important. Basicaly i bust out early and ended up being the dealer for the whole night, which i think they planned lol. But i did watch and i did get the bug and although i lost i loved it. I went on to watch it on tv and played a couple more games with them and gradualy learned bit by bit.
Soon after i played against a differnt group of friends and this was about my 5th time id played and every game i was taking home around 100 quid and winning all the time, they stopped inviting me soon after lol i then tried out the casino for the first time and final tabled my first ever torny, my heart raced in that i can tell you. Thats when i discovered online poker and its been over 7 years now. and looking back have learned so much. The term 'It takes a short time to learn holdem but a lifetime to master' really makes sense to me now. Even now im amazed at how much i learn every day its such a complex game for such a simple game and is what makes this game so addictive and enjoyable, as well as the unjoyable parts lol. There is no other game better in my opinion apart from Operation (that buzz gets me every time) and as much as i like winning money i think just playing the game makes me happy.
How did you start and what got you started and do you enjoy it as much now as you did back then?
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I started playing with small change at a friends house and school when i was 13 lol
One sports day I managed to win £1.53 in the middle of winning 4 events
We also used to play in our lessons during maths and science A levels lol the teachers didn't care because we were doing well, good memories.
On the 17th March this year (6 days after my 18th) I joined and started with DYMs which I still enjoy today
EDIT: Operation sucks! it's too easy :P
My Mum taught me how to play Poker just over 2 years ago as she was playing every Wednesday at my Aunties house with 3 of my Aunties, my Grandma, my Great Aunty and some cousins. Then we started holding our own tournaments at a golf club and from then that's when I started taking it a bit more seriously and started playing here, 30p DYM's! :-)
Triple jump
thought I'd better have a grasp of the basics playing before going out there. It worked- was up on poker but down on the other games.
Want to go back to Vegas big time.
operation sucks its too easy!!!! maybe i drink more than you but its more fun that way especialy if you link it up to the mains socket