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DONT KNOW WHY I BOTHER PLAYING ON HERE EVERY TIME THE SAME THE ABSOLUTE ONLY CARD THAT CAN BEAT MY MILES CLEAR HAND HITS , 99 V 9 10 FLOP 9 10X END UP BOTH ALL IN , LUKKY XXXX HITS 10 ON RIVER , THAT WAS IN 22 BH TONIGHT THEN AFTER DOING GREAT TO QUALIFY TO 110BH GET TRIP 666 ONLY FOR SOME CXXT TO HIT STRAIGHT WITH RUNNER RUNNER .. THINK I WILL SAY BALLS TO THIS SITE EVEN THO I HAVE ALWAYS ENDED WINNING FROM HERE , I JUST GET RAPED EVERY TIME I IN A BIG TOURNEY ...THATS NOT VARIANCE OR ANY OF THAT TOSH PEOPLE GO ON ABOUT F KIN JOKEwelcome to my world in fact i had to read that twice to make sure i hadnt written it exactly the same keeps happening to me they say bad beats even themselves out i say bol lox i totally agree with what u say i just keep plodding on in the hope that someday it will change
Posted by thewaytogo
Glass half full or empty?
As TK would say "it`s a beautiful game"
Just enjoy it or do one.
The perfect alias name for you,Take care .
ah boo hoo try gettin hit by quad 8s whenyou havejj and even hit j on river get over it nurse bromide
I think i will put in my 2 pennies worth on this subject as ive had the misfortune to had the worst beat of my dealt at me not once but twice the last 2 nights mangaged to get a cheap seat in the £110 bounty hunter last night kept quite all night just steadly built my stack hence very little head prizes my patiences paided of when dealt kings in the cut of,f raise call shove re shove had to call 2 to oppenents turn over ace queen £70.000 pot only for my friends to river a straight..Same story tonight AJ against A10 rivers a straight win that hand sitting pretty but i will be back to fight another day..
Flash totally agree with what you say people only remember the bad beats not the suck outs....
As to beautiful game, anyone who has met close relatives (wife, husband, children) of those suffering a gambling addiction who can't stop playing, regardless of the fallout, might just change their minds on this one. It certainly ain't beautiful - challenging -yes, frustrating - very, potentially problematic - yes, money spinner for those operating the poker rooms and online site - definitely.
Probably beautiful to Mr Murdoch and those whos livelihoods depend on the revenues that it generates.
Sorry to be a wet blanket.