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hi all for the next 2 months i`m goin to be playin mostly dym`s to try and get up the stt leaderboard and get a consitent profit instead of the mad swings i`ve been gettin with cash over the last few months i was just lookin for some top tips because i`ve had 2 sessions in 2 days 1st session had a 57% win rate but earlier today i only got 40% so need help please plus how many BI`S do i need for stts goin 2 be playin 3-4 at a time.
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It's an absolute must for the bare essentials.
And yeah my challenge is still going well. Just be aware, yes winning 8 out of 10 is very good but no matter how good you are, there is NO WAY you can win 80% of DYMs long term. You should keep track of how many you've played and how many you've won.
Number won/number played*100 = your win rate.
If you're playing DYMs with 10% rake like £5.50 then having a 55% win rate will be exactly break even, anything more is profit
the best advice i can give you is to put pressure on the second short stack,i find that the s/s is looking to double up, and the 2nd s/s is trying to stay out of trouble,so is unlikely to call a raise, unless hes got a very strong hand.
beware of the chip leader that wants to play,and loses chips to other players putting your stack under pressure.
DYMs are an easy way to double your money,but care must be taken, calling stations that will call with any 2 cards,these players can boost your chips,BUT sometimes they BINK a hand,making you the s/s.
tight /aggressive is the best tactic, and position,position,position.
when in the b/b if the button flats,and the s/b calls, RAISE with any 2 cards, they are telling you that they are weak, and want to see a flop.