I signed up to Sky Poker about a week ago, without depositing any of my own cash into my account. Over the last week or so, I've built my bankroll up in DYM's (and a very nice £24 for winning the £100 GTD Freeroll earlier) to a stage where I feel comfortable going onto an NL4 table without having to worry about what happens if I lose a couple of £4 buy-ins.
I've read DOHHHHHH's guide on how to beat the NL4 level (Very good guide, too), and I think my problem was that I was basically losing my discipline in a longer session - I often end up getting frustrated seeing weaker players winning pots with J3 and 94, while I'm sat there feeling stupid for waiting for a big hand. I usually end up trying to do things, such as stealing the 6p from the blinds, which I know I shouldn't bother trying to do against calling stations, but I still do it anyway because it's what I'm used to seeing and doing in DYM's and tournaments. Another way I like to lose money is by trying to outplay the calling station, I try to steal the pot on the flop, get called, think "If I have another bet on the turn, he might fold", get called again, both players check the river, he turns over bottom pair with no kicker, I lose £1.50.
I don't usually realise I'm actually doing this until the little box pops up asking me if I wish to pull up with another £4, at which point, I usually think "I'm just throwing money away here" and leave the table. Does anyone have any tips for making sure that I don't get bored while waiting for playable hands at NL4? I've considered multi-tabling, but with my current bankroll, that probably wouldn't be a good idea.
Any suggestions are appreciated
