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£50 festival Merchant city Glasgow
Hi Tikay just wanted to know if u felt i could have played this any different it was the hand i went out on last nt.
Rt one guy had been straddling when under gun all nt so i was in bb he had min straddled blinds were 400 800 i decided to re raise from bb with 10 9 suited to 4k i had 32 k left. The guy to my immediate left who was marginally better off in chips than me called and everyone else folded flop came 10 9 3 rainbow i bet 6k, guy in sb calls again turn comes 7 giving a flush draw and straight possible. so i decide to bet again putting him on 2 overs and a draw i bet 6.8k he calls again instantly. K on river not giving flush possibilities and he instantly puts me all in for my last chips and i called he turns qj. Should i have shoved on turn or could i have folded river after putting so much of stack in already.
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