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4 in a bed

edited November 2011 in The Shed
I watch this most nights after work, for those who dont, its about 4 b&b owners spending the night in each others houses and then scoring them. My problem is, and i'm far from tight but the rooms are never under £60 average £75 - £85, but some are up to £150! I remember when people stayed at a b&b and not a hotel because it was cheaper, and its usually cash in hand lol. I've stayed in £150 rooms at hotels, but the most i reckon i'd pay at a b&b would be £50 max, and that would have to be a good un. Am i living in the past as i've never stayed in a b&b or are those prices the norm.


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    edited November 2011
    Lenny Henry  In Premier Inn   OK        Under £49 B&B  in  Scunthorpe you come out with some extra little friends.?
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    edited November 2011
    under £100 for a b&b for me.Like you say anymore you may as well go for a hotel,and once you've been to vegas and seen the room sizes and prices you get put off smaller/worse hotels or b&bs in this country.Last time in vegas we even got a deal in the Wynne which worked out at $45 each which is £30 a night!! and the bathroom had tv and a phone in it!!
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